TeX 1995 July
TeX CD-ROM July 1995 (Disc 1)(Walnut Creek)(1995).ISO
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Text File
2,611 lines
% chemstr.sty
\typeout{XyMTeX for Drawing Chemical Structural Formulas. Version 1.00}
\typeout{ -- Released December 1, 1993 by Shinsaku Fujita}
% Copyright (C) 1993 by Shinsaku Fujita, all rights reserved.
% This file is a part of the macro package ``XyMTeX'' which has been
% designed for typesetting chemical structural formulas.
% This file is to be contained in the ``xymtex'' directory which is
% an input directory for TeX. It is a LaTeX optional style file and
% should be used only within LaTeX, because several macros of the file
% are based on LaTeX commands.
% For the review of XyMTeX, see
% (1) Shinsaku Fujita, ``Typesetting structural formulas with the text
% formatter TeX/LaTeX'', Computers and Chemistry, in press.
% The following book deals with an application of TeX/LaTeX to
% preparation of manuscripts of chemical fields:
% (2) Shinsaku Fujita, ``LaTeX for Chemists and Biochemists''
% Tokyo Kagaku Dozin, Tokyo (1993) [in Japanese].
% Copying of this file is authorized only if either
% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy, including name and
% directory name; or
% (2) if you do make changes,
% (a) you name it something other than the names included in the
% ``xymtex'' directory and
% (b) you are requested to leave this notice intact.
% This restriction ensures that all standard styles are identical.
% Please report any bugs, comments, suggestions, etc. to:
% Shinsaku Fujita,
% Ashigara Research Laboratories, Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.,
% Minami-Ashigara, Kanagawa-ken, 250-01, Japan.
% Bug Fix:
% 1993/11/14 S. Fujita
% A and B are interchanged.
% a and b are interchanged.
\def\versi@ndate{December 01, 1993}
\def\copyrighth@lder{SF}% % Shinsaku Fujita
%\typeout{XyMTeX Macro File `\j@urnalname' (\versi@nno) <\versi@ndate>\space%
% [\copyrighth@lder]}
% *********************************
% * chemstr.sty: list of commands *
% *********************************
% <For separating an augument list to each argument>
% \@forsemicol
% \@forl@@p
% \@iforl@@p
% \@m@mb@r
% \twoch@r
% \twoch@@r
% \threech@r
% <Convention>
% \rmoiety
% \lmoiety
% \putlatom
% \putratom
% \putlratom
% \Putlratom
% <Treatment of substitution positions>
% \if@clip \@clipfalse \@cliptrue
% \if@aclip \@aclipfalse \@acliptrue
% \if@bclip \@bclipfalse \@bcliptrue
% \if@cclip \@cclipfalse \@ccliptrue
% \if@eclip \@eclipfalse \@ecliptrue
% \if@fclip \@fclipfalse \@fcliptrue
% \iforigpt \origptfalse \origpttrue
% \@tmpaa (counter)
% Substitution
% \@substa
% \@substb
% \@substc
% \@substd
% \@subste
% \@substf
% Setting of atoms and bonds
% \setsixringv (on a vertical six-membered ring)
% \setdecaringv (on a decaline (six-six) ring)
% \setfusedbond (at fused bond positions)
% \if@clipfuse \@clipfusefalse \@clipfusetrue
% \setatombond (at an appropiate position)
% Substitution
% \@hsubsta
% \@hsubstb
% \@hsubstc
% \@hsubstd
% \@hsubste
% \@hsubstf
% Setting of atoms and bonds
% \setsixringh (on a horizontal six-membered ring)
% ***************
% * XyMTeX Logo *
% ***************
%%%XyMTeX Logo: Definition 1%%%
%%%XyMTeX Logo: Definition 2%%%
% ****************************************************
% * For separating an augument list to each argument *
% ****************************************************
\def\@forsemicol#1:=#2\do#3{\edef\@fortmp{#2}\ifx\@fortmp\@empty \else%
\def\@forl@@p#1;#2;#3\@@#4#5{\def#4{#1}\ifx #4\@nnil \else%
#5\def#4{#2}\ifx #4\@nnil \else#5\@iforl@@p #3\@@#4{#5}\fi\fi}
\def\@iforl@@p#1;#2\@@#3#4{\def#3{#1}\ifx #3\@nnil%
\let\@nextwhile=\@fornoop \else%
% **************
% * Convention *
% **************
\def\rmoiety#1{#1 \hss}
\def\lmoiety#1{\hss #1}
\def\putlatom#1#2#3{\put(#1,#2){\hbox to0pt{\hss #3}}}
\def\putratom#1#2#3{\put(#1,#2){\hbox to0pt{#3 \hss}}}
%%changed to avoid Overfull warnings 1993/11/11/S.Fujita%%%
\newif\if@moiety \@moietyfalse
\if@moiety\def\lmoiety##1{\hss ##1}%
\put(#1,#2){\hbox to.72em{#3}}\global\@moietyfalse%
\else\put(#1,#2){\hbox to.6em{#3\hss}}\fi}%
%\def\putlratom#1#2#3{\put(#1,#2){\hbox to.6em{#3}}}
\def\Putlratom#1#2#3{\put(#1,#2){\hbox to.8em{#3}}}
% ******************************
% * Parameters for Coodinates *
% ******************************
\newcount\noshift \noshift=0\relax%
\newcount\shifti \shifti=240\relax%
\newcount\shiftii \shiftii=400\relax%
\newcount\shiftiii \shiftiii=800\relax%
% ***************************************
% * various flags (switches) *
% * treatment of substitution positions *
% ***************************************
% These macros are used for clipping spaces at substitution positions.
% for carbocycles
\newif\if@clip \@clipfalse% % switch for clipping at 4
\newif\if@aclip \@aclipfalse% % switch for clipping at 1
\newif\if@bclip \@bclipfalse% % switch for clipping at 2
\newif\if@cclip \@cclipfalse% % switch for clipping at 3
\newif\if@eclip \@eclipfalse% % switch for clipping at 5
\newif\if@fclip \@fclipfalse% % switch for clipping at 6
\newif\iforigpt \origptfalse% % switch for showing the original point
% for heterocycles
\newif\if@gclip \@gclipfalse%
\newif\if@hclip \@hclipfalse%
\newif\if@iclip \@iclipfalse%
\newif\if@jclip \@jclipfalse%
% subst. on 1 %
\if@aclip% %clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\put(0,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-18,436){\line(-3,5){60}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(18,436){\line(3,5){60}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-18,436){\line(-3,5){60}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(18,436){\line(3,5){60}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(-12,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % double bond at 1
\put(12,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % double bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,436){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else% % no clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,406){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,406){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,406){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,406){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(-12,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % double bond at 1
\put(12,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % double bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1
% subst. on 2 %
\if@bclip %clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putratom{311}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,327){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putratom{268}{420}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,358){\line(3,5){60}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{318}{280}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,303){\line(1,0){100}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putratom{268}{420}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,358){\line(3,5){60}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha%
\putratom{318}{280}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,303){\line(1,0){100}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putratom{311}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(194,331){\line(5,3){100}}% % double bond at 2
\put(200,305){\line(5,3){100}}% % double bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putratom{311}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,327){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putratom{311}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,327){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 2
\putratom{311}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,327){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 2
\else% %no clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putratom{301}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putratom{258}{410}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{318}{280}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putratom{258}{410}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{318}{280}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putratom{301}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(168,310){\line(5,3){120}}% % double bond at 2
\put(174,284){\line(5,3){120}}% % double bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putratom{301}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putratom{301}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 2
\putratom{301}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 2
% subst. on 3 %
\if@cclip %clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putratom{311}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,79){\line(5,-3){110}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putratom{268}{-80}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,48){\line(3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{318}{74}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,103){\line(1,0){100}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putratom{268}{-80}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,48){\line(3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{318}{74}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,103){\line(1,0){100}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putratom{311}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(194,76){\line(5,-3){100}}% % double bond at 3
\put(200,101){\line(5,-3){100}}% % double bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putratom{311}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,79){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putratom{311}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,79){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 3
\putratom{311}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(201,79){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 3
\else%no clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putratom{301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,103){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putratom{258}{-70}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,103){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{318}{74}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,103){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putratom{258}{-70}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,103){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{318}{74}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,103){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putratom{301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(168,96){\line(5,-3){120}}% % double bond at 3
\put(174,121){\line(5,-3){120}}% % double bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putratom{301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,103){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putratom{301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,103){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 3
\putratom{301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,103){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 3
% subst. on 4 %
\if@clip %clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-18,-30){\line(-3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(18,-30){\line(3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-18,-30){\line(-3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(18,-30){\line(3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(-12,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % double bond at 4
\put(12,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % double bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 4
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 4
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,0){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,0){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,0){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,0){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(-12,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % double bond at 4
\put(12,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % double bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4
% subst. on 5 %
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putlatom{-311}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,79){\line(-5,-3){110}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-268}{-80}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,48){\line(-3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putlatom{-318}{74}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,103){\line(-1,0){100}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-268}{-80}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,48){\line(-3,-5){60}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putlatom{-318}{74}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,103){\line(-1,0){100}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlatom{-311}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-194,76){\line(-5,-3){100}}% % double bond at 5
\put(-200,101){\line(-5,-3){100}}% % double bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlatom{-311}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,79){\line(-5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-311}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,79){\line(-5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 5
\putlatom{-311}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,79){\line(-5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 5
\else%no clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putlatom{-301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-258}{-70}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putlatom{-326}{74}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-258}{-70}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putlatom{-326}{74}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlatom{-301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-168,96){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % double bond at 5
\put(-174,121){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % double bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlatom{-301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 5
\putlatom{-301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-5,-3){120}}%% single bond at 5
% subst. on 6 %
\if@fclip %clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putlatom{-311}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,327){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-268}{420}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,358){\line(-3,5){60}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putlatom{-318}{280}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,303){\line(-1,0){100}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-268}{420}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,358){\line(-3,5){60}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putlatom{-318}{280}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,303){\line(-1,0){100}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlatom{-311}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-194,331){\line(-5,3){100}}% % double bond at 6
\put(-200,305){\line(-5,3){100}}% % double bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlatom{-311}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,327){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-311}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,327){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 6
\putlatom{-311}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-201,327){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 6
\else%no clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putlatom{-301}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-258}{410}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putlatom{-326}{280}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-258}{410}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putlatom{-326}{280}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlatom{-301}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-168,310){\line(-5,3){120}}% % double bond at 6
\put(-174,284){\line(-5,3){120}}% % double bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlatom{-301}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-301}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 6
\putlatom{-301}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 6
% **************************************************************
% * setting of atoms and bonds on a vertical six-membered ring *
% **************************************************************
% SUBSLIST: list of substituents (max 6 substitution positions)
% for n = 1 to 6
% nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom
% n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom
% nA : alpha single bond at n-atom
% nB : beta single bond at n-atom
% nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface)
% nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line)
% nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom
% nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom
% AD : adjustment e.g. 0 for six-membered rings
% LOWER : lower limit LOWER < effective range < UPPER
% UPPER : upper limit
% ORDER : >= 0 clockwise, <0 anti-clockwise
\ifnum#5 < 0\relax%
\@tmpaa=-\@tmpa\relax \advance\@tmpaa by #2\relax%
\else\@tmpaa=\@tmpa\relax \advance\@tmpaa by #2\relax \fi
\ifnum\@tmpaa >#3\relax%
\ifnum\@tmpaa <#4\relax%
\ifcase\@tmpaa%0 omit
\or \@substa% subst. on 1
\or \@substb% subst. on 2
\or \@substc% subst. on 3
\or \@substd% subst. on 4
\or \@subste% subst. on 5
\or \@substf% subst. on 6
\fi%end of ifcase
% ***********************************************************
% * setting of atoms and bonds on a decaline (six-six) ring *
% ***********************************************************
% \setdecaringv{SUBSLIST}{AD}{LOWER}{UPPER}{ORDER}
% SUBSLIST: list of substituents (max 8 substitution positions)
% for n = 1 to 8
% nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom
% n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom
% nA : alpha single bond at n-atom
% nB : beta single bond at n-atom
% nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface)
% nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line)
% nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom
% nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom
% for 0 (fused positions)
% 0FA : alpha single bond at 8a
% 0FB : beta single bond at 8a
% 0FU : unspecified single bond at 8a
% 0GA : alpha single bond at 4a
% 0GB : beta single bond at 4a
% 0GU : unspecified single bond at 4a
% AD : adjustment e.g. 0 for six-membered rings
% LOWER : lower limit LOWER < effective range < UPPER
% UPPER : upper limit
% ORDER : >= 0 clockwise, <0 anti-clockwise
\ifnum#5 <0\relax%
\@tmpaa=-\@tmpa\relax\advance\@tmpaa by #2\relax%
\else\@tmpaa=\@tmpa\relax\advance\@tmpaa by #2\relax\fi%
\ifnum\@tmpaa >#3\relax%
\ifnum\@tmpaa <#4\relax%
% 0 fused positions
\if\@tmpb F%single bond at 8a (fused position)
\if\@tmpc B%beta single bond at 8a (fused position)
\putlratom{140}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,303){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 8a
\else\if\@tmpc A%alpha single bond at 8a (fused position)
\putlratom{140}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,303){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 8a
\else\if\@tmpc U%beta single bond at 8a (fused position)
\putlratom{140}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(168,303){$\wr$}% unspecified single bond at 4a
\else\if\@tmpc S%beta single bond at 8a (fused position)
\putlratom{140}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,303){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 8a
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%beta single bond at 8a (fused position)
\putlratom{140}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,303){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 8a
\else\if\@tmpb G%single bond at 4a (fused position)
\if\@tmpc B%beta single bond at 4a (fused position)
\putlratom{140}{-127}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,103){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4a
\else\if\@tmpc A%alpha single bond at 4a (fused position)
\putlratom{140}{-127}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,103){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4a
\else\if\@tmpc U%beta single bond at 4a (fused position)
\putlratom{140}{-127}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(168,43){$\wr$}% unspecified single bond at 4a
\else\if\@tmpc S%alpha single bond at 4a (fused position)
\putlratom{140}{-127}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,103){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4a
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%alpha single bond at 4a (fused position)
\putlratom{140}{-127}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,103){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4a
\or% subst. on 1
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\put(342,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1
\putlratom{311}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{300}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(342,406){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{383}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(342,406){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{300}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(342,406){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{383}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(342,406){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlratom{311}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(330,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % double bond at 1
\put(354,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % double bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlratom{311}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(342,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlratom{311}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(342,406){\line(0,1){140}}% %single bond at 1
\putlratom{311}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(342,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1
\or% subst. on 2
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putratom{643}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,303){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putratom{600}{410}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,303){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{660}{280}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,303){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putratom{600}{410}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,303){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{660}{280}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,303){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putratom{643}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(510,310){\line(5,3){120}}% % double bond at 2
\put(516,284){\line(5,3){120}}% % double bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putratom{643}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,303){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putratom{643}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,303){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 2
\putratom{643}{363}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,303){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 2
\or% subst. on 3
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putratom{643}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,103){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putratom{600}{-70}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,103){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{660}{74}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,103){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putratom{600}{-70}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,103){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{660}{74}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,103){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putratom{643}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(510,96){\line(5,-3){120}}% % double bond at 3
\put(516,121){\line(5,-3){120}}% % double bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putratom{643}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,103){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putratom{643}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,103){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 3
\putratom{643}{-27}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(513,103){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 3
\or% subst. on 4
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putlratom{311}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(342,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{300}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(342,0){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{383}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(342,0){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{300}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(342,0){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{383}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(342,0){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlratom{311}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(330,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % double bond at 4
\put(354,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % double bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlratom{311}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(342,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlratom{311}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(342,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4
\putlratom{311}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(342,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 4
\or% subst. on 5
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,0){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,0){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-42}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,0){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{41}{-230}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,0){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(-12,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % double bond at 5
\put(12,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % double bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 5
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 5
\or% subst. on 6
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putlatom{-301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-258}{-70}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putlatom{-326}{74}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-258}{-70}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putlatom{-326}{74}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlatom{-301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-168,96){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % double bond at 6
\put(-174,121){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % double bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlatom{-301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 6
\putlatom{-301}{-27}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,103){\line(-5,-3){120}}% single bond at 6
\or% subst. on 7
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putlatom{-301}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 7
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-258}{410}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 7
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putlatom{-326}{280}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 7
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-258}{410}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 7
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putlatom{-326}{280}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 7
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlatom{-301}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-168,310){\line(-5,3){120}}% % double bond at 7
\put(-174,284){\line(-5,3){120}}% % double bond at 7
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlatom{-301}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 7
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-301}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 7
\putlatom{-301}{363}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 7
\or% subst. on 8
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 8
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,406){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 8
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,406){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 8
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-42}{563}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,406){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 8
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{41}{563}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,406){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 8
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(-12,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % double bond at 8
\put(12,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % double bond at 8
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 8
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 8
\putlratom{-31}{563}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,406){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 8
\fi %end of ifcase
% ******************************************************
% * setting of atoms and bonds at fused bond positions *
% ******************************************************
% \setfusedbond{SUBSLIST}{AD}{LOWER}{UPPER}{ORDER}
% SUBSLIST: list of substituents (max 3 substitution positions)
% for 0 (vertical (0,1) fused positions)
% F == (171,303) G == (171,103)
% 0FA : alpha single bond at F
% 0FB : beta single bond at F
% 0FU : unspecified single bond at F
% 0GA : alpha single bond at G
% 0GB : beta single bond at G
% 0GU : unspecified single bond at G
% for 1 (diagonal (5,-3) fused positions)
% F == (0,406), G == (171,303)
% 1FA : alpha single bond at F
% 1FB : beta single bond at F
% 1FC : alpha single bond (downward) at F
% 1FD : beta single bond (downward) at F
% 1FU : unspecified single bond at F
% 1GA : alpha single bond at G
% 1GB : beta single bond at G
% 1GC : alpha single bond (upward) at G
% 1GD : beta single bond (upward) at G
% 1GU : unspecified single bond at G
% for 2 (diagonal (-5,-3) fused positions)
% F == (0,406), G == (-171,303)
% 2FA : alpha single bond at F
% 2FB : beta single bond at F
% 2FC : alpha single bond (upward) at F
% 2FD : beta single bond (upward) at F
% 2FU : unspecified single bond at F
% 2GA : alpha single bond at G
% 2GB : beta single bond at G
% 2GC : alpha single bond (downward) at G
% 2GD : beta single bond (downward) at G
% 2GU : unspecified single bond at G
% for 3 (horizontal (1,0) fused positions)
% G == (303,171) F == (103,171)
%%%%% F == (303,171) G == (103,171)
% 0FA : alpha single bond at F
% 0FB : beta single bond at F
% 0FU : unspecified single bond at F
% 0GA : alpha single bond at G
% 0GB : beta single bond at G
% 0GU : unspecified single bond at G
% AD : adjustment e.g. 0 for six-membered rings
% LOWER : lower limit LOWER < effective range < UPPER
% UPPER : upper limit
% ORDER : >= 0 clockwise, <0 anti-clockwise
\@tmpaa=-\@tmpa\relax\advance\@tmpaa by #2\relax%
\else\@tmpaa=\@tmpa\relax\advance\@tmpaa by #2\relax\fi%
\ifnum\@tmpaa >#3\relax%
\ifnum\@tmpaa <#4\relax%
% 0 fused positions % F == (171,303) G == (171,103)
\if\@tmpb F%single bond at F (fused position)
\if\@tmpc B%beta single bond
\putlratom{140}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,303){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc A%alpha single bond
\putlratom{140}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,303){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc U% unspecified single bond
\putlratom{140}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(168,303){$\wr$}% unspecified single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc S%beta single bond
\putlratom{140}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,303){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at F
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%beta single bond
\putlratom{140}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,303){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpb G%single bond at G (fused position)
\if\@tmpc B%beta single bond
\putlratom{140}{-127}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,103){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc A%alpha single bond
\putlratom{140}{-127}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,103){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc U%beta single bond
\putlratom{140}{-127}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(168,43){$\wr$}% unspecified single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc S%alpha single bond
\putlratom{140}{-127}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,103){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at G
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%alpha single bond
\putlratom{140}{-127}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,103){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at G
\or% subst. on 1 F == (0,406), G == (171,303)
\if\@tmpb F%single bond at F (5,-3) fusion
\if\@tmpc B%beta single bond
\putlatom{-130}{466}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,406){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc A%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-130}{466}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,406){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc U%unspecified single bond
\putlatom{-130}{466}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,406){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc S%beta single bond
\putlatom{-130}{466}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,406){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at F
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%beta single bond
\putlatom{-130}{466}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,406){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc D%beta single bond (downward)
\putlratom{-31}{176}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,406){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc C%alpha single bond (downward)
\putlratom{-31}{176}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,406){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpb G%single bond at G
\if\@tmpc B%beta single bond
\putratom{301}{173}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc A%alpha single bond
\putratom{301}{173}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc U%unspecified single bond
\putratom{301}{173}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc S%alpha single bond
\putratom{301}{173}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at G
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%alpha single bond
\putratom{301}{173}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(171,303){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc D%beta single bond (upward)
\putlratom{140}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,303){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc C%alpha single bond (upward)
\putlratom{140}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(171,303){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at G
\or% subst. on 2 F == (0,406), G == (-171,303)
\if\@tmpb F%single bond at (-5,-3) fusion
\if\@tmpc B%beta single bond
\putratom{130}{466}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,406){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc A%alpha single bond
\putratom{130}{466}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,406){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc U%unspecified single bond
\putratom{130}{466}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,406){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc S%beta single bond
\putratom{130}{466}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,406){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at F
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%beta single bond
\putratom{130}{466}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,406){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc D%beta single bond (downward)
\putlratom{-31}{176}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,406){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc C%alpha single bond (downward)
\putlratom{-31}{176}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(0,406){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpb G%single bond at G
\if\@tmpc B%beta single bond
\putlatom{-301}{173}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc A%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-301}{173}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc U%unspecified single bond
\putlatom{-301}{173}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,-3){120}}% single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc S%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-301}{173}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,-3){120}}% single bond at G
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-301}{173}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-171,303){\line(-5,-3){120}}% single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc D%beta single bond (upward)
\putlratom{201}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(-171,303){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc C%alpha single bond (upward)
\putlratom{201}{460}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(-171,303){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at G
\or %3 fused positions % G == (303,171) F == (103,171)
\if\@tmpb G%single bond at G (fused position)
\if\@tmpc B%beta single bond
\putlratom{460}{140}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(303,171){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc A%alpha single bond
\putlratom{460}{140}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(303,171){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc U% unspecified single bond
\putlratom{460}{140}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(303,148){$\sim$}% unspecified single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpc S%beta single bond
\putlratom{460}{140}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(303,171){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at G
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%beta single bond
\putlratom{460}{140}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(303,171){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at G
\else\if\@tmpb F%single bond at F (fused position)
\if\@tmpc B%beta single bond
% \putlratom{-127}{140}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\putlatom{-57}{140}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(103,171){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc A%alpha single bond
% \putlratom{-127}{140}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\putlatom{-57}{140}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(103,171){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc U%beta single bond
\putlatom{-57}{140}{\@memberb}% % left type
% \putlratom{-127}{140}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(40,148){$\sim$}% unspecified single bond at F
\else\if\@tmpc S%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-57}{140}{\@memberb}% % left type
% \putlratom{-127}{140}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(103,171){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at F
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-57}{140}{\@memberb}% % left type
% \putlratom{-127}{140}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\put(103,171){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at F
\fi %end of ifcase
% ********************************************************
% * setting of atoms and bonds at an appropiate position *
% ********************************************************
% \setatombond{SUBSLIST}{AD}{SLOPE}
% SUBSLIST: list of substituents (max 3 substitution positions)
% AD : adjustment,
% Set AD as being 1 = position number - AD
% 1 : (0,1) 7 : (0,-1)
% 2 : (3,5) 8 : (-3,-5)
% 3 : (5,3) 9 : (-5,-3)
% 4 : (1,0) 10 : (-1,0)
% 5 : (5,-3) 11 : (-5,3)
% 6 : (3,-5) 12 : (-3,5)
\newif\if@clipfuse \@clipfusefalse
\@tmpaa=\@tmpa\relax\advance\@tmpaa by #2\relax
\ifnum\@tmpaa >0\relax%
\ifnum\@tmpaa <2\relax%
\or% subst. on 1
% (0,1)
\putlratom{-31}{157}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(0,30){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(0,30){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb U% unspecified single bond
\put(-3,30){$\wr$}% unspecified single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb S%beta single bond
\put(0,30){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpb\empty%beta single bond
\put(0,30){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 1
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb U% unspecified single bond
\put(-3,0){$\wr$}% unspecified single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb S%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpb\empty%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 1
% (1,0)
\putratom{157}{-31}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(30,0){\line(1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(30,0){\line(1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb U%beta single bond
\put(30,0){\line(1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb S%alpha single bond
\put(30,0){\line(1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpb\empty%alpha single bond
\put(30,0){\line(1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb U%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb S%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpb\empty%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
% (0,-1)
\putlratom{-31}{-230}{\@memberb}% % left or right type
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb U%beta single bond
\put(-3,-90){$\wr$}% unspecified single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb S%alpha single bond
\put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpb\empty%alpha single bond
\put(0,-30){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 1
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb U%beta single bond
\put(-3,-60){$\wr$}% unspecified single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb S%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpb\empty%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 1
% (-5,3)
\putlatom{-130}{60}{\@memberb}% % left type
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(-20,12){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(-20,12){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb U%unspecified single bond
\put(-20,12){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb S%beta single bond
\put(-20,12){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpb\empty%beta single bond
\put(-20,12){\line(-5,3){110}}% % single bond at 1
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb U%unspecified single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb S%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpb\empty%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 1
% (5,-3)
\putratom{130}{-130}{\@memberb}% % right type
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(20,-12){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putratom{301}{173}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(20,-12){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb U%unspecified single bond
\put(20,-12){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb S%alpha single bond
\put(20,-12){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpb\empty%alpha single bond
\put(20,-12){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putratom{301}{173}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,0){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb U%unspecified single bond
\put(0,0){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb S%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpb\empty%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 1
% (5,3)
\putratom{130}{60}{\@memberb}% % right type
\if\@tmpc B%beta single bond
\put(20,12){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc A%alpha single bond
\putratom{130}{466}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(20,12){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 1
% \dottedline{20}(0,406)(120,72)}}%
\else\if\@tmpc U%unspecified single bond
\put(20,12){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc S%beta single bond
\put(20,12){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%beta single bond
\put(20,12){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\if\@tmpc B%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc A%alpha single bond
\putratom{130}{466}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(0,0){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 1
% \dottedline{20}(0,406)(120,72)}}%
\else\if\@tmpc U%unspecified single bond
\put(0,0){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc S%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 1
% (-5,-3)
\putlatom{-130}{-130}{\@memberb}% % left type
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(-20,-12){\line(-5,-3){100}}% single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(-20,-12){\line(-5,-3){100}}% single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc U%unspecified single bond
\put(-20,-12){\line(-5,-3){100}}% single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc S%alpha single bond
\put(-20,-12){\line(-5,-3){100}}% single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%alpha single bond
\put(-20,-12){\line(-5,-3){100}}% single bond at 1
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-5,-3){120}}% single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-5,-3){120}}% single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc U%unspecified single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-5,-3){120}}% single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc S%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-5,-3){120}}% single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpc\empty%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-5,-3){120}}% single bond at 1
% (-1,0)
\putlatom{-157}{-31}{\@memberb}% % left type only
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(-30,0){\line(-1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(-30,0){\line(-1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb U%beta single bond
\put(-30,0){\line(-1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb S%alpha single bond
\put(-30,0){\line(-1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpb\empty%alpha single bond
\put(-30,0){\line(-1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb U%beta single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb S%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\ifx\@tmpb\empty%alpha single bond
\put(0,0){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
\fi %end of ifcase
% *************************************************************
% * treatment of substitution positions for a horizontal type *
% *************************************************************
% subst. on 1 %
\if@aclip %clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putlatom{-157}{-31}{\@memberb}% % left type only
\put(-30,0){\line(-1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-157}{42}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-30,18){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putlatom{-157}{-100}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-30,-18){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-157}{42}{\@memberb}% % left type
% \putlatom{-157}{100}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-30,18){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putlatom{-157}{-100}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(-30,-18){\line(-5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlatom{-157}{-31}{\@memberb}% % left type only
\put(-30,-12){\line(-1,0){110}}% % double bond at 1
\put(-30,12){\line(-1,0){110}}% % double bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlatom{-157}{-31}{\@memberb}% % left type only
\put(-30,0){\line(-1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-157}{-31}{\@memberb}% % left type only
\put(-30,0){\line(-1,0){110}}% % single bond at 1
\putlatom{-157}{-31}{\@memberb}% % left type only
\put(-40,0){\line(-1,0){100}}% % single bond at 1
\else%% no clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putlatom{-157}{-31}{\@memberb}% % left type only
\put(0,0){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-157}{42}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,0){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putlatom{-157}{-100}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,0){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-157}{42}{\@memberb}% % left type
% \putlatom{-157}{100}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,0){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putlatom{-157}{-100}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(0,0){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putlatom{-157}{-31}{\@memberb}% % left type only
\put(0,-12){\line(-1,0){140}}% % double bond at 1
\put(0,12){\line(-1,0){140}}% % double bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlatom{-157}{-31}{\@memberb}% % left type only
\put(0,0){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putlatom{-157}{-31}{\@memberb}% % left type only
\put(0,0){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
\putlatom{-157}{-31}{\@memberb}% % left type only
\put(0,0){\line(-1,0){140}}% % single bond at 1
% subst. on 2 %
\if@bclip %clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\put(79,221){\line(-3,5){62}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-41}{240}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(59,201){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{83}{331}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(103,221){\line(0,1){100}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-41}{240}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(59,201){\line(-5,3){100}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{83}{331}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(103,221){\line(0,1){100}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\put(78,208){\line(-3,5){62}}% % double bond at 2
\put(103,214){\line(-3,5){62}}% % double bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(79,221){\line(-3,5){62}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(79,221){\line(-3,5){62}}% % single bond at 2
\put(79,221){\line(-3,5){62}}% % single bond at 2
\else%%no clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\put(103,171){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-31}{240}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(103,171){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{83}{331}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(103,171){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-31}{240}{\@memberb}% % left type
\put(103,171){\line(-5,3){120}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{83}{331}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(103,171){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\put(96,168){\line(-3,5){72}}% % double bond at 2
\put(121,174){\line(-3,5){72}}% % double bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(103,171){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 2
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(103,171){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 2
\put(103,171){\line(-3,5){72}}% % single bond at 2
% subst. on 3 %
\if@cclip %clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\put(343,221){\line(3,5){62}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putratom{443}{240}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(343,201){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{283}{331}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(303,221){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putratom{443}{240}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(343,201){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{283}{331}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(303,221){\line(0,1){110}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\put(328,208){\line(3,5){62}}% % double bond at 3
\put(303,214){\line(3,5){62}}% % double bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(343,221){\line(3,5){62}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(343,221){\line(3,5){62}}% % single bond at 3
\put(343,221){\line(3,5){62}}% % single bond at 3
\else%no clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\put(303,171){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putratom{443}{240}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(303,171){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{283}{331}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(303,171){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putratom{443}{240}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(303,171){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{283}{331}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(303,171){\line(0,1){140}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\put(310,168){\line(3,5){72}}% % double bond at 3
\put(284,174){\line(3,5){72}}% % double bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(303,171){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 3
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(303,171){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 3
\put(303,171){\line(3,5){72}}% % single bond at 3
% subst. on 4 %
\if@clip %clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putratom{563}{-31}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(436,0){\line(1,0){110}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putratom{563}{42}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(436,18){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{563}{-100}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(436,-18){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putratom{563}{42}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(436,18){\line(5,3){100}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{563}{-100}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(436,-18){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putratom{563}{-31}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(436,-12){\line(1,0){110}}% % double bond at 4
\put(436,12){\line(1,0){110}}% % double bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putratom{563}{-31}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(436,0){\line(1,0){110}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putratom{563}{-31}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(436,0){\line(1,0){110}}% % single bond at 4
\putratom{563}{-31}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(436,0){\line(1,0){110}}% % single bond at 4
\else%% no clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\putratom{563}{-31}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(406,0){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putratom{563}{42}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(406,0){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{563}{-100}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(406,0){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putratom{563}{42}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(406,0){\line(5,3){120}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{563}{-100}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(406,0){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\putratom{563}{-31}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(406,-12){\line(1,0){140}}% % double bond at 4
\put(406,12){\line(1,0){140}}% % double bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putratom{563}{-31}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(406,0){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 4
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\putratom{563}{-31}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(406,0){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 4
\putratom{563}{-31}{\@memberb}% % right type only
\put(406,0){\line(1,0){140}}% % single bond at 4
% subst. on 5 %
\if@eclip %clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\put(343,-221){\line(3,-5){62}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putratom{443}{-301}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(343,-201){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{283}{-402}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(303,-221){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putratom{443}{-301}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(343,-201){\line(5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{283}{-402}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(303,-221){\line(0,-1){110}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\put(328,-208){\line(3,-5){62}}% % double bond at 5
\put(303,-214){\line(3,-5){62}}% % double bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(343,-221){\line(3,-5){62}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(343,-221){\line(3,-5){62}}% % single bond at 5
\put(343,-221){\line(3,-5){62}}% % single bond at 5
\else%no clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\put(303,-171){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putratom{443}{-301}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(303,-171){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{283}{-402}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(303,-171){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putratom{443}{-301}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(303,-171){\line(5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{283}{-402}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(303,-171){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\put(310,-168){\line(3,-5){72}}% % double bond at 5
\put(284,-174){\line(3,-5){72}}% % double bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(303,-171){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 5
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(303,-171){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 5
\put(303,-171){\line(3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 5
% subst. on 6 %
\if@fclip %clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\put(79,-221){\line(-3,-5){62}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc B%(B) beta
\putlatom{-31}{-301}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(59,-201){\line(-5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{83}{-402}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(103,-221){\line(0,-1){100}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-31}{-301}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(59,-201){\line(-5,-3){100}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{83}{-402}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(103,-221){\line(0,-1){100}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\put(78,-208){\line(-3,-5){62}}% % double bond at 6
\put(103,-214){\line(-3,-5){62}}% % double bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(79,-221){\line(-3,-5){62}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(79,-221){\line(-3,-5){62}}% % single bond at 6
\put(79,-221){\line(-3,-5){62}}% % single bond at 6
\else%%no clipping
\if\@tmpb S%single bond
\put(108,-171){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\putlatom{-31}{-301}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(103,-171){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc A%(A) alpha
\putratom{83}{-402}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(103,-171){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc b%(b) beta
\putlatom{-31}{-301}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(103,-171){\line(-5,-3){120}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpc a%(a) alpha
\putratom{83}{-402}{\@memberb}% % right type
\put(103,-171){\line(0,-1){140}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb D%double bond
\put(96,-168){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % double bond at 6
\put(121,-174){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % double bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb B%beta single bond
\put(108,-171){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 6
\put(108,-171){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 6
\else\if\@tmpb A%alpha single bond
\put(108,-171){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 6
\put(108,-171){\line(-3,-5){72}}% % single bond at 6
% ****************************************************************
% * setting of atoms and bonds on a horizontal six-membered ring *
% ****************************************************************
% SUBSLIST: list of substituents (max 6 substitution positions)
% for n = 1 to 6
% nD : exocyclic double bond at n-atom
% n or nS : exocyclic single bond at n-atom
% nA : alpha single bond at n-atom
% nB : beta single bond at n-atom
% nSA : alpha single bond at n-atom (boldface)
% nSB : beta single bond at n-atom (dotted line)
% nSa : alpha (not specified) single bond at n-atom
% nSb : beta (not specified) single bond at n-atom
% AD : adjustment e.g. 0 for six-membered rings
% LOWER : lower limit LOWER < effective range < UPPER
% UPPER : upper limit
% ORDER : >= 0 clockwise, <0 anti-clockwise
\ifnum#5 < 0\relax%
\@tmpaa=-\@tmpa\relax \advance\@tmpaa by #2\relax%
\else\@tmpaa=\@tmpa\relax \advance\@tmpaa by #2\relax \fi
\ifnum\@tmpaa >#3\relax%
\ifnum\@tmpaa <#4\relax%
\ifcase\@tmpaa%0 omit
\or \@hsubsta% subst on 1
\or \@hsubstb% subst on 2
\or \@hsubstc% subst on 3
\or \@hsubstd% subst on 4
\or \@hsubste% subst on 5
\or \@hsubstf% subst on 6
\fi %end of ifcase
\fi\fi}}% %end of setsixringh